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See that girl, the one with a smile on her face? The one who looks so cute, so pretty? She looks like she leads a happy life? Do you really think she is happy, when everyday she has to force that smile. If you could only see the suffering in her eyes, how tired and exhausted she is. Sick and tired of her insecurities, yet laughing and putting on an act everyday only to come home at night and cry herself to sleep. She wishes to cease to exist. She wants to disappear. She wishes to go back to the days when she had  no cares in the world, when a smile came as easy as the laughters over something so small. When the world seemed more beautiful and she thought she was beautiful. Now, being a teen, all she feels and see is someone who is worthless, ugly, fat, dumb and alone. She's had enough, and she's not enough, so she thinks. You'll never see her true self, for she doesn't even know anymore. She'll seem joyful and happy, but you'll never know how many times she cries throughout the day. Forcing herself into routines she's set up for herself and cannot get out of. She'll cry in the bathroom alone and walk out as though it never happened.  How can anyone comprehend someone going through something so enslaving, yet so mysterious because the only way you could ever truly understand someone with an Eating Disorder, has to go through it themselves?

Do you believe in something beautiful?

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